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Adam Johnston (born April 14. 1991), known professionally as YourMovieSucksDOTorg, YMS, Adum, and AdumPlaze is a Canadian film critic, YouTuber, and podcaster. Adam runs the website yourmoviesucks.org, as well as the YouTube channel of the same name. 1 YouTube Career 2 Personal Life 3 Quotes 4 External Links Adam began his YouTube channel on June 1, 2009, and is currently at one million. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Monday, April 12, 2021. Guess the Teacher Week 2. This week for Guess the class room and teacher. YMS Library Book Checkout Online. YMS Library will now provide online book checkout to students during distance learning. Please click on the headline for check out directions and the online book catalog and book hold.

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  2. Yms Soccer Warriors
  3. Yms Web Page


YMS Technical Training Program (TTP) has been designed especially to improve individual technical skills and small group play for players between U8-U12 years, whatever the level of play. The program is offered on Friday nights during the season at Macclesfield Park on the Turf.

*We play the same weeks as the REC league, but this runs on Friday evenings before each Saturday Recreation Program. (SCROLL DOWN TO SEE SCHEDULE)

Spring 2021

U8 (2013's) - U12 (2009's)


5PM - 6PM

There will be a limited number of players in each group. The sessions will be run by DOC David Simpson and select YMS Academy Trainers.

TTP U8-U12

Cost : $125.00

Yms 2020 Twitter

8 weeks

April 9
April 16
April 23
April 30
May 7NO SESSION - EPIC Tournament
May 14
May 21
May 28NO SESSION - Memorial Day Weekend
June 4
June 11End of season

Yms Soccer Warriors

Fan Gear

Yms Web Page

255 Lower Morrisville Road
Fallsington, PA 19054