Swiftui Cheat Sheet

In this tutorial we’re going to learn how to present a new sheet view modally in SwiftUI after pressing a button. In order to achieve it, use .sheet() modifier on the Button view.

  1. Swiftui Bottom Sheet
  2. Swiftui Multiple Sheets
  3. Swiftui Sheet Size
  4. Swiftui Sheet Height

It is also available as a download, Cheat sheet: How to become an iOS developer (free PDF). SwiftUI is built in Swift, for Swift, and makes code easier to write and understand.

In its simplest form, the .sheet() modifier takes as an argument a binding which tells it whether to show the sheet, and a content closure which returns new view to be presented. Take a look at a complete example below. Pressing the “Show Sheet View” button triggers the sheet to be presented modally on top of current view:

Swiftui cheat sheet printable

Swiftui Bottom Sheet

If you would like to execute some code when the sheet is dismissed, use a version of the sheet modifier with onDismiss argument and pass an additional closure:

Swiftui Multiple Sheets

Swiftui sheet height

Present a sheet view with Navigation Bar and a Done button

Swiftui Sheet Size

Learn SwiftUI: Cheat Sheet SwiftUI Tutorials and Other Resources Like Example Projects, Libraries, Books and Courses. SwiftUI is a gateway app development framework that has become one of the best ways for fledgling developers to get iOS apps off the ground without having to become a coding expert overnight. SwiftUI For Dummies makes that process even faster, providing a friendly introduction to the SwiftUI and Swift programming language and helping you feel. Learn SwiftUI: Cheat Sheet SwiftUI Tutorials and Other Resources Like Example Projects, Libraries, Books and Courses.

Swiftui cheat sheet pdf

Let’s tackle a more sophisticated example with the sheet view being a NavigationView and having a Navigation Bar with a trailing Done button (navigation bar item) which dismisses the sheet. I’ve previously covered how to add a button to navigation bar in SwiftUI so check it out if you’d like to learn more.

Being able to dismiss the sheet view means that we’ll have to pass the showSheetView binding from ContentView to SheetView and update its value from within ContentView when user presses Done button.


This can be achieved by updating the SheetView with the following:

Swiftui Sheet Height

  1. Declare its own @Binding to store the reference to showSheetView
  2. Update the value of SheetView’sshowSheetView when Done button is pressed

Take a look at a complete code example:

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